
Types & Size of CPVC Pipes

Nov 30, 2018 / By System Admin / in Plumbing

Types & Size of CPVC Pipes

CPVC pipes and fittings are available in different classes/grades in India.

CPVC Pipes are available in following classes and sizes in India

Class of Pipe/ FittingIS StandardSizes AvailableDescription
SDR 11 Pipe IS 15778 ASTM D 2846 1/2" - 2" They are also known as Class 1 pipes and are heavier compared to SDR 13.5
SDR 13.5 Pipe IS 15778 ASTM D 2846 1/2" - 2" They are also known as Class 1 pipes and are lighter compared to SDR 11
Sch. 40 Pipe ASTM F 441 2.5 " - 6" They are used for domestic water supply purposes
Sch. 80 Pipe ASTM F 441 2.5" - 4" They are used mostly for industrial purposes

CPVC pipes and fittings are available in following classes and sizes in India.

Class of Pipe/FittingStandardSizes Available
SDR 11 fittings ASTM D 2846 1/2" - 2"
Sch. 40 Fittings ASTM F 438 21/2" - 6"
Sch. 80 Fittings ASTM F 439 21/2" - 4"